Trishula Gallery


Trishula Gallery
  -  Exhibition   -  Review of the exhibition by José Manuel Ballester
Выставка Хосе-Мануэля Баллестера в музее Нового Иерусалима

Inspired by the exhibition of a Spanish artist, whose works accurately reproduce the most famous paintings of the great masters – everything except people and animals. The one to which the eyes of beholders usually turn first. The goal is to concentrate attention on the space that surrounds them, immerse them in the energy and atmosphere of the place, pay attention to details and objects – after all, they are also alive!
Looking at these pictures, you feel the presence of people – as if they left a moment ago, dropping a blanket or leaving an unfinished cup of coffee.

And what’s interesting is that these paintings look completely different, and the meanings in them are read differently!
By the way, in the well-known painting by Bosch, created several centuries ago, depicted without people, I saw the forerunner of Dali’s work. They clearly communicated at the level of Souls; I felt that Bosch may have been his “godfather” – a guide and mentor in the world of art.

Friends, let’s pay more attention to the details – sometimes they contain many clues. ✨✨✨

I started thinking – which of the musical Compositions (that came through me) are more inspired by the feeling of Space, which by the images and feelings of people?

Svetlana Raldugina