Trishula Gallery


Trishula Gallery
  -  Art   -  “Girl on a Ball” by Pablo Picasso
«Девочка на шаре» Пабло Пикассо

For many, “Girl on a Ball” is one of Picasso’s most famous paintings and one of the symbols of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. It was painted in 1905 during the early period of the artist’s work (the so-called “pink period”). During that period, the heroes of the paintings were traveling circus performers, comedians, artists and ballerinas. It is in the contrast of these two figures, their plasticity and massiveness, grace and strength, that many critics see the highlight of the work. At the same time, the landscape is completely Spanish, it is a tribute to the Motherland; at that time Picasso was already living in Paris.

The author of the second work is Olga Dou

Behind the scenes were a mother insuring her eight-month-old baby and a daughter asking the cat to take the desired position with a piece of meat. Unfortunately, it was not possible to combine the ball and the cat due to limited time due to the capriciousness of the models.