Trishula Gallery


Cookie Policy
  -  Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Last updated on: July 29, 2024


At, we use cookies and other tracking technologies on our website and app in various ways. That’s why we feel it’s important to explain to you what cookies are, how and why we use them and how you can manage your cookie settings. We’ve outlined all the details below, so we recommend reading our policy thoroughly to get a better understanding of how we use cookies and what your options are.

We value your privacy, so we always handle any personal data collected in accordance with the Privacy Policy. You can find the definitions for capitalised terms in our Terms of Use.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of data placed in the browser of your computer or mobile device. Cookies use different methods to post data on or read data from users’ devices, such as your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. They do this to help us recognise your device or store your preferences. The most well-known cookies are small (text) files that are placed on devices and can be identified again at a later stage. We also use other tracking techniques, such as javascript, web beacons (tags) (small blocks of code installed on a webpage, app, or ad that can retrieve certain information about the device and browser you use), or device fingerprinting, mobile identifiers, and tracking URLs. We refer to all these technologies as ‘cookies’ in this Cookie Policy.

How long do’s cookies remain active?

The cookies we use vary in life span. A ‘session cookie’ will expire when you close your browser, while a ‘persistent cookie’ remains on your device for a longer period. See our cookie overview for the specific retention periods. The cookies we use vary in life span.

Which cookies do we use?

Our cookies fulfil different purposes, as specified below. To find out which cookies we use, have a look at our cookie overview.

Functional Cookies. Functional cookies are cookies that are necessary for the performance of our Online Marketplace. These cookies help us provide our services according to your preferences, helping you have a better experience. There is, for instance, a cookie that makes sure you stay signed in. This means you don’t have to continuously sign in every time you go to a new page. These cookies also help us remember how you use certain features (e.g. lots you have marked as interesting) and account settings (e.g. language or display settings). Furthermore, this category includes cookies that are placed for analytics purposes that have very little to no impact on your privacy, such as Google Analytics with privacy-friendly settings.

Analytics and research cookies. These cookies capture how you use We use the information from these cookies to analyse our Online Marketplace usage and determine what causes errors. In general, analytics and research cookies are used to:

  • Track the number of users on our Online Marketplace
  • Track the time you spend on our Online Marketplace
  • Track the order in which you view different web pages
  • Decide which parts of our Online Marketplace need improvement
  • Show you feedback surveys
  • Understand what type of user you are


  • Track the number of users on our Online Marketplace
  • Track the time you spend on our Online Marketplac
  • Show you feedback surveys
  • Understand what type of user you are

Marketing and social media cookies. We use marketing cookies to understand what you like and how you behave on our Online Marketplace. We track your behaviour so we can get an idea about your preferences, store the IDs of the lots you click on, and show you lots that match your interests. Third parties also place marketing cookies on This helps them show you tailored ads on third party websites, based on your behaviour on our Online Marketplace. In our cookie overview below, you’ll find the third parties that place marketing cookies when you visit

Marketing cookies track which ads you’ve already seen, to make sure you aren’t seeing the same ads all the time. They also check whether you’ve clicked on an ad. and third parties use cookies for social media and our Online Marketplace may integrate third-party plug-ins (such as a Facebook “like” button).

You can always opt out of these cookies using the settings below. If you want to delete analytics, research, or marketing cookies from third parties other than, you can do so in your browser settings. If you turn off marketing cookies, you may still see online advertising, but the ads you see will not be tailored to your interests. As functional cookies are necessary for our Online Marketplace to work, they are set to “always active” and can’t be switched off.

Your preferences are stored per domain. Disabling cookies on one domain (e.g. does not automatically mean they are disabled for our other domains as well.

How can you control the use of cookies?

Your browser settings. You can manage your cookie settings and delete cookies that are included in the browser you use. Please note that settings must be adjusted separately for each browser on every device that you use. Keep in mind that our first-party cookies play an important role in our services. If you decide not to accept them, this could affect the availability and functionality of some of the features that make our Online Marketplace attractive and easy to use (e.g. if you turn these cookies off, you may need to log in for every visit)


Could this Cookie Policy be amended?

We may amend or supplement this Cookie Policy. We strive to keep our cookie information up-to-date but we want to emphasise that cookie overviews are always mere snapshots. Due to the constant innovation of our Online Marketplace, and the fact that the internet and the various parties concerned are continually changing, it’s possible that the information in this Cookie Policy may not be completely up-to-date.


For questions regarding this Cookie Policy and the use of cookies on our Online Marketplace, you can always contact us by sending an email to