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Site for the Annunciation 1. 2007

Painter: Jose-Manuel Ballester
After “The Annunciation” by Fra Beato Angelico. C. 1426
Digital print on canvas
240,9 х 194 cm




A cosy lush garden is bathed in the light of a bright sun. The feeling of the eternal floats in the air. A wide variety of flowers flood the greenery of the landscape.

A white marble temple awakens an astonishing image of desolation and emptiness. In the background, you can see the austere interior of a room with a wooden bench illuminated by a small window.

There is no story to tell and there is no time to measure. Thus, light acquires a great role and evokes another revelation.

All these details stand out once the two storylines created by the artist have disappeared from the scene: the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise and the Annunciation of the Virgin.

The mystery of the Annunciation is represented by Fra Angelico on a stage that opens towards the outside and at the same time goes inside – towards a bare interior. Paradise is left behind and the foreground is occupied by a small porch that leads us to the refuge of a simple interior, creating a temporal sequence between the first story and the second.

But perhaps the most significant thing when analysing the scenario that supports the narrative is the transition from the medieval world and its flat way of depiction to a new way and the use of perspective in the painting, a fundamental finding of the Renaissance. Therefore, the work is also “announcing” the beginning of a new conception of the world and of Art.